How We Keep In Touch

At Sholing Junior School, we use systems that enable efficient and effective communication between the school and the community.  You can communicate with staff by writing in the home-school reading diary, speaking with staff on the playground at the end of the school day or arranging a meeting through the office.  You can find out more information about other systems below.

Systems we use to keep in contact with Parents:

Parent Mail

  • Parentmail - a system where we primarily send emails to parents advising them of dates of events happening, parents evenings and also forms to complete to enable your child to take part in an event, e.g. curriculum trip, football match, residential trip etc.  We will generally send an email before a text is sent: a text will be sent in the event of an emergency.  We encourage all parents to sign up to the Parentmail system to ensure that forms are received in a timely manner.  Parents are also able to scroll back through their email history to remind them of events happening. 
  • We will use the Parentmail system to advise of a Parents Evening.  Parents are able to book a session with their child's class teacher; if they have more than one child in the school, the system will allow you to book 2 separate appointments that do not clash.  
  • We do encourage parents to turn on their notifications for Parentmail to ensure you do not miss important information. If you are experiencing problems with your Parentmail please contact the office on

Medical Tracker

  • Medical Tracker Software Management System
  • First-aid, medical and health tracking and management software.
  • Paperless and electronic system used in school to track and management medical conditions for pupils and staff. 

Absent from School

  • SMS from Parentmail: For safeguarding purposes we will text all parents whose child is absent without reason or prior notification. If your child is off school unwell we still expect you to notify us with updates daily. 

The school office is open daily from 8:40 am until 4:00 pm for any further enquiries.

You can also email