The Use Of Mobile Phone On Residential Trips

Sholing Junior School does not permit the use of personal mobile phones by pupils on residential trips. Not only is the unmonitored use of a mobile phone by a child a safeguarding concern, but it can cause great distress for children suffering from homesickness to speak to a parent whilst they are away from home, and it often makes matters worse. Any phones discovered will be confiscated and returned on arrival back at school.

Residential Information 2024-25

Updated: 02/01/2025 10.93 MB

Information for Parents - Wye Valley 2025

Updated: 02/01/2025 2.04 MB

Residential Information 2023 - 2024

Wales Year 6 Residential Information - 2024

Updated: 02/01/2025 650 KB

Day 1 - Going Underground

The group has already arrived safely at the centre and are busy unpacking and preparing for the evening activities. Earlier today, they experienced what life as a miner might have been like in the Big Pit Mining Museum. Although they have not hewed any coal, they will have travelled in the classic miner's lift, learned about the difficulties and dangers miners faced working underground and hopefully realised how fortunate they are not to have been working as a trapper many years ago! More details and hopefully a few pictures (not of the mine with the lights turned off) will follow later this evening.

a day! The trip to Big Pit was long. There was a large amount of traffic on the M4 motorway so the driver diverted through some villages. This delayed us by an hour but the children were brilliant. They didn't moan - they just got on with it. Big Pit was superb. The children  learnt about the poor children, expected to work from the age of four, often spending twelve hours in total darkness. 

After we arrived at the centre, the staff burst into action, providing a meal for all and tidying up before a walk up to the visitors centre. Not all children had the energy for a walk and turned in early. The others were treated to a beautiful sunset and a clear view of Pen Y Fan. The challenge accepted for two groups tomorrow. A chilled start for two with The Birdman. Caving and waterfalls for the other. It's 10.15. The runners and riders are asleep - or talking very quietly. It's time for bed!

Day 2

This morning, staff were up bright and early, preparing breakfast and the lunches. I have to say that the children settled to sleep well. Potentially the best of any year group ever in the history of Sholing Junior School. That being said, I was awoken snoring which sounded like a foghorn warning ships as a consequence of fog on the Tyne. We will find the culprit later! Think it may be a member of staff.

The children were all fed, cold and hot breakfast and armed with their packed lunches. All done and dusted by 8.10am.

Then the prep began. Caving suits, wet weather gear, mountain boots and hats were distributed. Alfie came prepared for Pen Y Fan with his crocs, and despite the fact that they, as he put it, were in ‘sport mode’ he was sent to get boots! And what a trip it was. Under the sunshine of South Wales, we forged on. Group 2 set off, going like a wig in a hurricane. They soon powered up to the summit. Notable comments from Matas as we were tackling the steepest part of the mountain: I really should spend less time on my computer! But despite the pain a variety of cramps, we all fought through it.  Group one showed great resilience and under the strong leadership of Miss Lebbern, summited Corn Du. An amazing achievement. Special shout out to Adam and Ollie, our resident mountain goats. They all did well actually….and that’s a mountain ticked off the list for group one and two!

For Group four and five, they had a relaxed start to our week, as they spent our morning with Wings of Wales, learning about Birds of Prey. An enthusiastic bunch, they were all raring to go! We met 5 incredible birds but highlights were: Florence (white tailed eagle), Tracey (Harris Hawk from Essex) and Twizzel (African Harrier Hawk). All children were able to stroke the eagle’s claws after, which could do with some moisturiser! Despite some nerves, the groups were incredible and we have some smashing photos of the children with the birds. Two particular experts were River and Sol, who have careers in handling wild animals! After, they spent some pennies on a lot of Lucozade, Kit Kats and novelty magnets for you all to enjoy! And just to say, when the children visited the shop and the playground, a parent who was visiting the centre, said how well behaved the children were and how nicely they were playing. She also added that they set a really great example to her own daughter. High praise indeed

Mrs Smith took her group to the caves and the waterfalls (photos now in). This group were quite simply brilliant. They just simply had fun. I think that they may well have had the best day. Splashing around and enjoying the great outdoors. We think the pictures speak for themselves.

Day 3

Wow! What a day that was. Teds dancing to Ed Sheeran at 7.30am seems all but a distant memory – brilliant Ted! Two groups caving and in the waterfalls today – one of the cameras is safely locked in the office so more photos from that activity tomorrow.

The weather has not been great and it has rained quite a bit today. The sun has been ‘as rare as a budgie with chapped lips’ but that has in no way dampened the team’s spirits.

Lewis, the birdman came and inspired the children in all things falconry. Really worth looking into if any of our families ever come to visit Wales. He really is brilliant. We met a very naughty bald eagle, Tracy the Harris hawk put on a show and Bert the barn owl was a delight, sitting in the eaves of the outdoor classroom.

Mrs Smith took on the mountain with her group. Led by an experienced mountaineer, they conquered Corn Du in difficult conditions. At times they were actually above the low lying clouds. There were no real complaints, just inspiring attitudes with Elliot, River and Jonas notable mentions. All the group did well in fact the mountain leader took it upon himself to let me know how brilliant they were when he returned. One of the nicest groups he’s worked with!

The children have worked really hard each day but tomorrow is going to be the real challenge. Two groups up the mountain, two down the caves and one with The Birdman (the lucky ones). ‘We march on’ as they say in Southampton.

Day 4

What a final day!!! Absolutely exhausted!! We thought it would be a bit of a struggle to get up the mountain but not so. They made the summit of Pen Y Fan in record time! Up to the waterfalls, over the ridge with a final scramble over the nose to victory. I believe Mrs Taylor reported the summit at approximate 1pm – almost one hour faster than any other group. Miss Rickards group were not far behind. An excellent effort from both – easy according to Anthony!! If that wasn’t enough, they had time for a bit for ‘sightseeing’. A number of metal targets, installed on the mountain as target practise for the brave Second World War pilots in their spitfires!! Beautiful.

Two groups ventured down the caves which proved to be a challenge for some. Sol showed great courage braving the world renowned ‘letterbox’. Sadly, Mr H had forgotten to cover himself head to toe in goose fat and WD40, so through fear of becoming wedged, took the photos instead.  

The waterfalls were great. Cold but great. Really cold. Freezing! But, as you would expect, the children didn’t really care as the jumped in to the water. They had an absolutely brilliant time.

For the third and final time, ‘The Birman’ arrived with a few different birds. Twizzy the Gimigen took off and refused to return. After a skirmish with a couple of red kites, she came home in disgrace. The falcon put on a show, flying from great height to attack the lure at insane speeds! The children quite simply couldn’t believe it.

Well, it’s been a blast. The children are exhausted, the adults still going and the end is sadly in sight. I have been to Wales with children from Sholing 18 times. The children on this trip are up there. They may well have been the very best. What a way to sign off!! We thank them all so much for the great memories and just one of the many legacies they will soon leave us with.

Unwrap the nose pegs and fire up those washing machines. We’re coming home!

Stubbington 2024

We will be posting information about this year's residential trip to Stubbington on this page. This will happen each evening when we can get time - usually when the children have settled. The internet can be intermittent so we will be doing our very best to update this page when we can. 

Day 1

Well, all the children are having a wonderful time. May we take this opportunity to thank the parents for send such respectful and most importantly, tidy children. Their bedrooms are already absolutely spotless, much like they are at home we suspect! It is early days though!

When they arrived, they all gathered in ‘The Great Chamber’ to enjoy their induction. The typical day was shared which made all the staff tired just looking at it. Non-stop full on activities ahead.

The children were particularly interested in the food choices, especially breakfast – cabbage and custard. For those who don’t enjoy that option, a special request this week has been put in for a variety of cereals and a full cooked breakfast – or both (Mr Abbott).

This afternoon we all were going to take part in a rather blustery Stubbington Fox activity – a massive game of hide and seek. Due to strong winds however, the children took part in indoor games instead and dissected Owl pellets instead. Beautiful!!! The children loved it before familiarising themselves with the site. Mrs Warr, Mrs Byrne, Mr Abbott and Mrs Graham are all house leaders – a level of competition you have never seen before. The house competition will be a ferocious event with the winners to be crowned on Friday morning.

The children have been told that on Thursday night there will be the world famous ‘S Factor’ performance competition for the children – one of the guest judges will be a local ‘celebrity’ but more about that later.

We have a birthday girl in our midst. We celebrated this in the appropriate manner with a rather flamboyant rendition of ‘Happy Birthday’. A loud, boisterous effort from all on such a brilliant occasion!

We are now being treated to a wonderful wildlife show, then supper but it's not over yet!!! We're then off to a hide to see badgers and foxes if we're lucky!!!By then we will all be ready for bed…staff too!

The children are all desperate to do well and are being beautifully behaved. They are a real credit to you all.

Over and out!

Day 2

The children are up and about and have breakfasted well following their first evening at the Study Centre. Everyone slept well (eventually) and some were still sleeping like logs at 7:10am! 

The girls from Oak dormitory were lucky with their visit to the hide last night - spotting a fox and some deer. 

Another exciting day is ahead of us and the wind has really settled so the children are off to Earthquake amongst other activities today. They have already notched up some great achievements so far though and we are really proud of the way they are 'Achieving Together'!

Evening update.

The children have absolutely excelled themselves today. We have seen some incredible bravery, determination and teamwork as the children took on the famous Earthquake course, negotiating some tricky obstacles before attempting the lava leap. It has been wonderful to see how the children have worked together to encourage and support each other to succeed. Some children that were initially worried about heights managed to get to the top of the cargo net and all the teams reflected brilliantly on the skills they had developed. 

The day started impressively, with the Badger house currently leading the way with almost top marks for their dorms but with all the children setting a high standard. This is almost unheard of on a first night and the staff are anticipating an even better evening of sleep after such a busy day!

Alongside the Earthquake activity, the children took part in some really challenging and fun group puzzles (have you ever tried holding 31 tennis balls in one go?) and earned points to spend on materials. They then designed and built an egg holder to hold an uncooked egg before it was launched from a trebuchet. Incredibly, only a single egg was lost (out of 12), showing the level of teamwork and co-operation. 

The children have just finished their dinner and they are currently completing their daily reflective diaries before taking on a Piratical Whodunnit game! Another group of children will then have the chance to head to the hide, with the hope of seeing a badger or maybe more tonight. Fingers crossed...

Day 3 - a day of two halves!

After a really pleasing night's sleep by all the children, we all made our way to the local seashore at Lee-on-the-Solent in calm, bright and beautifully dry weather. Artificial rock pools were created in small groups which were then filled with a range of molluscs, seaweed and the odd crab. The children also created sandcastles and hunted (successfully!) for fossilised sharks' teeth. They managed to find a total of 4 - which might be a new Stubbington record for one visit. They then returned to their rock pools to find out what the creatures living there had been up to. 

Following another tasty lunch, the weather then started to become the polar opposite and the children have had the opportunity to deploy their wet weather gear and make the most of the study centre's drying rooms! They have done some impressive map reading to find the names of missing birds around the site - exploring the now quite boggy conservation area for the first time this visit. The weather was so wet that it was very difficult to take photographs of - so most of today's highlights will be beach-based as a result. 

The children are also setting up some small mammal hotels to see if they can find out what type of mice, voles or even shrews are residents of the conservation area. The children are currently planning what their hotel residents might need to enjoy an evening stay and will investigate what they have found (fingers crossed) in the morning. 

This evening sees the culmination of the song practices for the S-Factor competition with some exciting entries lined up. We are really looking forward to seeing whether the Badgers, Foxes, Kestrels or Owls have won the competition!

Day 4 

We have all awoken after a very settled night's sleep to what looks like a beautiful morning ahead and some of the boys are currently enjoying the lovely sunrise from their dorm windows.

The children are already excited to see if they have had any overnight visitors to their small mammal hotels. This is a classic Stubbington activity and will be a lovely way to finish a successful week. 

The children have really impressed us with what they are capable of when it comes to being independent and we would love to encourage them to continue this when they come home. 

Last night's song competition was a real success with some great performances from all the house teams (and some impressive dancing from Mrs Byrne too!). The Foxes came out on top and have earned some bonus points with their catchy version of 'We are the Foxes' (to the tune of 'We are the Champions').

We are looking forward to seeing who the eventual winners are later on today. 

For picking up, we are looking to be finished and away by 1:15pm so please see the parentmail regarding pick up times that the office is sending out soon. 

Hello from Wye Valley! Hope you all have had a lovely day.

Once we arrived, we took a slushy walk in the mud across the bridge to the hostel. Our first task consisted of orienteering, which allowed the children to explore the grounds working in small groups. We covered 10000 steps in about half an hour!!!

After, we went indoors and created our spy names. These were made by using our initials and picking an adjective and animal. Most notably – Joyful Gorilla, Heroic Jaguar, Jumping Peacock, Jolly Bee and Jazzy Cat. I could only guess who was codenamed Mouldy Ant!! Mr Abbott.

Perhaps this is pre-empting the washing at the end of the trip!!

The children have been great and they have been very helpful. Some have even been seen helping in the dining hall, clearing plates without prompting. We are all so proud.

The internet is extremely slow but here are some photos for now. More to follow!

Some Action From Day 2

Today has all been about archery, building fires with the additional challenge of wet wood!!

The children have also been cracking codes in preparation for tomorrow's final spy challenge! We also have some deft fencing manoeuvres thrown in for good measure. The children's spy training is almost complete. We are looking forward to our final campfire...if the weather holds.

Fire up those washing machines! We'll see you all tomorrow!!

Stubbington 2025