Sholing Junior School provides opportunity:
- To allow our children to develop as independent, confident, creative, successful learners with high aspirations.
- To strive for the highest standards of academic achievement and behaviour, across the whole curriculum.
- To enable pupils to learn about themselves as growing and changing individuals, acquiring the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future.
- To develop their sense of social justice and moral responsibility and understand how their own choices, through the conscious application of our learning behaviours and British values can impact across all communities in which they belong.
Within a warm and nurturing environment, Sholing Junior School’s carefully considered and sequenced curriculum builds on prior knowledge and equips pupils with the understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives.
The National Curriculum comprises of core subjects:
- English
- Maths
- Science
The National curriculum also comprises of foundation subjects:
History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education (P.E.) and Computing. The teaching of Religious Education is statutory in all schools. It is taught following the Hampshire Agreed Syllabus. PSHE and Citizenship is integrated into our curriculum to ensure children are prepared for life in modern day Britain. We follow the PHSE association themes aiming to ensure children fully develop their social and emotional aspects of learning. We have a strong focus on multi-cultural themes, anti-bullying and rights and responsibilities, including democratic voting for School Council and House Captains.
At Sholing Junior School, we place great emphasis on English and Mathematics as these underpin many of the other aspects of the taught curriculum. The planning of the curriculum is based around a rolling programme of curriculum themes to ensure coverage of selected areas by all children who progress through the school. The topics make use of our local environment e.g. topics such as habitats in our school grounds and Southampton. We also study other localities and cultures so that children gain an understanding of Britain as a diverse society. Our topics also extend to other countries which enhance the children’s understanding of their global community. We also value the role of foreign languages in the curriculum and Spanish is taught throughout KS2. We use specialist teachers who ensure our children get the best provision possible in developing Music, Art and P.E. skills.
When children leave Sholing Junior School, they are equipped with a full range of skills and a love of learning that enables them to progress confidently towards their future lives.
Leonardo UK Rampaging Chariots Project
We are extremely fortunate to have been invited to take part in an engineering project led by Leonardo UK. Leonardo UK, based in Southampton, is a company that works in fields such as elite sport, naval defence and space.
Usually only open to secondary schools, Leonardo UK have offered 12 of our children the opportunity to take part in a project entitled ‘Rampaging Chariots’. This will involve them designing, engineering and building a robot which will compete in a number of tasks against other school’s robots. Leonardo UK will sending in one of their engineers to work with children and staff with specially designed, pre-fabricated materials for them to use.
This is the first chance we have had in taking part in such a venture.
You can find out more about Leonardo UK by clicking here.