Absence and Medicine
If your child is going to be absent, please call the school office and use option 1, giving details of reason for absence.
The messages are listened to each morning and registers updated accordingly.
Please can you contact the office each day that your child is absent.
Sickness & Diarrhoea
If your child is suffering from sickness and diarrhoea it is school policy for your child NOT TO RETURN to school until 48 hours after their last bout of sickness or diarrhoea.
We do this to try to contain spread of infection and would be grateful if you could adhere to this request.
Please Click Here for the latest information regarding sickness and diarrhoea from NHS:
Absence and Lateness
If your child is unwell please can you call the school office where there is the facility, option 1 to leave a message, stating clearly your child's name, class and reason for absence.
If we do not receive notification of an absence, we will use a system called Truancy Call, which will send a text asking for the reason as to why your child is not in school.
If your child has a dental, hospital, medical appointment we require to see evidence of the appointment so we can add this to your child's record.
Is my child well enough to go to school?
Administering Medicines
We do not hold spare medicine on the premises. If your child needs medication then please complete the following steps:
- An adult with parental responsibility to bring medicine to the office clearly labelled with child's name and class.
- The adult must complete a consent form advising why they are having the medication, dose and time required.
Only adults are permitted to collect the medication at the end of the day
Children are not permitted to keep any medicine in the classroom, apart from their asthma inhalers.
The medical consent form is primarily used for children who have a non-infectious condition, who require medicine through the day, such as antibiotics, paracetamol, Piriton etc.
If your child requires long-term medication, please contact the school office.
Pupil Health Care Plan
These are forms which are sent to adults with parental responsibility for children who have a particular medical need which would require specific medical attention. The children are identified from the pupil data sheet which is completed when your child joins Sholing Junior School. Please advise the school if your child develops a medical need and we will send the relevant forms.