Local Governing Council

My name is Jane Butler I am the Chair of Governors.

I volunteered to become a governor because I wanted to be involved in the life of Sholing Junior School. I am a qualified teacher and have also been a teaching assistant. I feel passionately that school should be fun, challenging and rewarding; giving children the best start to their lifelong educational journey.

Being a governor is a great way to be involved. We are fortunate at Sholing to have an enthusiastic team of governors that is a healthy mix of parents, staff and members of our local community.

Governor’s work with the headteacher and staff to ensure the best possible education for each and every child in the school. The roll of the Local Governing Council is to act responsibly in holding the school to account working closely with the headteacher and leadership team. The Local Governing Council meet every half term. To gain a better insight we also have 5 Governors Visit Days.

Governors undertake regular training in Safeguarding, Safer Recruitment, Finance, Curriculum, Performance Management and Ofsted.

I can be contacted at jbutler@sholing-jun.co.uk

Sholing Junior School. Middle Road. Sholing. Southampton. SO198PT

Click here for the Trusts Governance page

Governors 2024-2025

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