Pupil Responsibilities
At Sholing Junior School, our children take pride in being active citizens: through School Council meetings, promoting British Values, or applying for one of the various additional responsibilities we offer.
School Council Members
Sholing Junior School has a proactive and effective School Council who are responsible for a number of events and initiatives to make our school a better place to learn. Children are elected by their classmates and work hard to extend the school’s work into the wider community.
Our Mission Statement
- To make our school an even better place to learn.
- To represent the pupils of the school and their ideas.
- To help the community through charitable organisations.
Thank you for your support. If you have any suggestions for the School council on fundraising ideas or ways in which to help improve our school, why not speak to a representative of the school council?
This year, the school council have met with our MP, organised many events and driven many school initiatives. The following report explains the projects that have been driven by the school council. We are very proud of all that the School Council has achieved this and previous years.
School Prefects
Prefects play a vital role in the running of Sholing Junior School; assisting and supporting both staff and pupils. Each term, new Prefects are selected from Year 6 to carry out duties as directed by the deputy headteacher. The prefects are supported by the Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl.
House Captains
Our House Captains are Year 6 children who are positive role models and show leadership potential. House Captain responsibilities include: supporting fellow house members across the school; assisting with House Team Competitions; promoting the school's learning behaviours; lead teams on Sports Day; and many more opportunities to help their house team win the most House Points in order to receive the much coveted Termly Treat!
House Captains
Junior Travel Ambassadors
Our Junior Travel Ambassadors (JTAs) are children who have applied and are committed to improving wellbeing and reducing carbon output at the same time. As well as working with Southampton City Council, they have organised whole school events, community based travel challenges and promoting active, healthy travel within our school, city and beyond!
Babs' Active Travel Diary
The Junior Travel Ambassadors have launched Babs’ Active Travel Diary to help support and encourage more active travel. Babs is the orange bird from Southampton City Councils My Journey active travel campaign.
The JTAs will randomly choose one person each week to take home Babs and her Active Travel Diary. ю
Over the weekend, we would like for the carer of Babs to make at least one active journey e.g. walk, scooter, cycle or take the bus somewhere: it could be to the shops, the park or visiting friends and family. Then, they can write or draw about it in Babs’ Active Travel Diary. Babs would need to be returned to school on the Monday morning ready for the following week...
The Junior Travel Ambassadors have launched the Parkwise Promise to help make the area outside our school a safer environment. Please read through the attached letter and return your Parkwise Pledge signed to your class JTA and you will receive a sticker for your car to show your support.
The Big Pedal was a massive success; so many of you came to school on 2 wheels either cycling or scooting: we came 1ST IN SOUTHAMPTON! Some amazing prizes will be sent to us shortly. A total of 1673 schools in the UK participated in The Big Pedal, completing an incredible 1,063,474 journeys by bicycle or scooter.
- We came 1st in Southampton.
- We were 3rd in the South East of England.
- We were 110th in the country.
Well done to everyone both children and adults. Read more: https://www.sustrans.org.uk/bigpedal
Update: free books donated!
One company was so impressed by our efforts that they donated some incredible books for our school, so a massive THANK YOU to Darren Ruddell at Serious Comedy for your very kind donation. Mrs Redding was very keen to log them onto the system for the library!
Following the recent results from the pollution tubes put up around the school, the Junior Travel Ambassadors sent home the following letter:
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are writing to tell you about our experiment to find out how much pollution is caused by extra traffic when parents are driving their children to school compared with school holiday times.
Tubes were set up by the main gate on Middle Road and at the rear of the school building to measure pollution levels during school time. Information was collected and recorded. Then, in the school holidays, the test was repeated and recorded. To our shock and amazement, the results showed that the level of pollution had increased by 33% when children were driven to school during term time. SHOCK HORROR! It is widely known that you breathe in more pollution in a car than when you walk alongside roads!
By walking to school, or scooting, we could reduce pollution, help the environment, save money spent on petrol and, most importantly, improve the health and fitness of our children and adults. The Junior Travel Ambassadors are working hard on planning a campaign to reduce the use of cars to travel to and from school and get as many people as possible to actively travel. You can help by… encouraging your children to travel actively to school. Here are some ways; cycling, scooting, walking or park and striding. WE NEED A POLLUTION SOLUTION!
Thanking you in advance for your support.
The Junior Travel Ambassadors of Sholing Junior School
Play Leaders
Our Play Leaders are friendly, responsible and organised children who help initiate and set up playground activities or games at lunchtimes.
They support our Lunchtime Supervisors to make sure everyone has a safe and fun lunchtime.
If you'd like to join in with an activity, look for the children in the hi-vis jackets and the hats!
Junior Librarians
What we do
We help run the lunchtime library slots, issue and return books and help you find what you are looking for. We support reading events in school and promote reading. We will also be reviewing new books to let you know what we think.
Green Team
At Sholing Junior School, a specialist pupil unit was set up to tackle environmental issues. These pupil volunteers are from every class in the school and take on the extra responsibilities involved with keeping our school as green as possible. Today, still thinking of the environment, they survive as soldiers of recycling; save power by monitoring lights/interactive screens; keep track of food waste; and tackle many more important green missions.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...
The Green Team.