Keeping Yourself Safe
More than 400 people accidently drown in the UK and Ireland EVERY YEAR and many more have non-fatal experiences, sometimes suffering life-changing injuries.
This page seeks to educate people to enjoy water safely, to keep their families and friends safe and to know what to do in an emergency.
Learn how to keep you and your family safe by using this water safety advice.
Water Safety
The Royal Life Saving Society UK's Drowning Prevention Project is a campaign which aims to reduce the number of drowning incidences.
Resourses for Children, learning about Water Safety
Float to Live | University of Portsmouth (Short)
Learn more about friend of Sholing Junior School, Professor Mike Tipton's 'Float To Live' life-saving work.
Float to Live | University of Portsmouth
The safety of people on and around the railway is a priority. Education is key, especially for young people. This page will provide learners, valuable information about electrification on the railway, level crossings and railway safety.
Safety on the Railway - Staying Safe
This film highlights some of the key dangers around the railway and looks at what you can do to stay safe.