Relaunch of Park and Stride after Half Term

                                     As you are aware, the Junior Travel Ambassadors encourage and promote everyone to actively travel to school – walk, scoot and cycle.

They work tirelessly to reduce the congestion at the school gates, making it a safer place for both children and adults to walk to school.

We understand that not all children are able to walk the whole way to school, due to distance, parental work commitments or a variety  of other reasons. One way in which we hope to help you is by encouraging Park and Stride. It’s a simple initiative, where parents/Carers are encouraged to park their car a 10 minute walk from school and walk the rest of the way with their children.

We are therefore asking parents/carers to park over by the veracity and walk the rest of the way. If you park on the far side of the veracity it is only a 9 minute walk in the open air with a safe Zebra crossing to cross the road.

By parking away from the school gates you are making it a safer place for our children, reducing pollution levels next to the gates and get more exercise.

Thank you for your continuing support.